Kim Kardashian Has A 'Secret Project' With Cara Delevingne


Kim Kardashian has a 'secret.'

The 33-year-old reality star posted a sultry photo of herself with model Cara Delevingne, in which the pair look all wet, have their hair matted to their faces and wear what appear to be swimsuits. Also tagging the model and Love magazine editor-in-chief Katie Eleanor Grand, Kardashian coyly captioned the photo: 'Secret project.'

Secret project, indeed. Something tells us fans can expect a steamy photo shoot featuring Kardashian and Delevingne in an upcoming issue of the magazine.

Kim Kardashian has a "secret."


Kim Kardashian has a 'secret.'

The 33-year-old reality star posted a sultry photo of herself with model Cara Delevingne, in which the pair look all wet, have their hair matted to their faces and wear what appear to be swimsuits. Also tagging the model and Love magazine editor-in-chief Katie Eleanor Grand, Kardashian coyly captioned the photo: 'Secret project.'

Secret project, indeed. Something tells us fans can expect a steamy photo shoot featuring Kardashian and Delevingne in an upcoming issue of the magazine.

Kanye West's New Album Isn't Done After All

Full-time musician and part-time album-party reporter Theophilus London has issued a correction: Kanye West's new album is not, as London implied on Instagram last week, already done. 'Kanye West's album isn't finished, for all you [very handsome] bloggers writing for your [hilarious and beloved] magazine blogs,' London wrote on Twitter this morning. He also denied that his song 'Do Girls' is about converting lesbians with the power of his dick, even though it really seems like it is. Theophilus London gives you #content, and Theophilus London takes it away.

No One Laugh at Kanye West, Please


In an article published in the September issue of GQ, Kanye West recounted a comparison he'd made during his 45 minute wedding toast between the current plight of celebrities with those of African-Americans during the Civil Rights Era: 'And what I talked about in [the toast]' he said, 'was the idea of celebrity, and celebrities being treated like blacks were in the '60s, having no rights...'

Celebrities having no rights? Please allow that to wash over you like the freezing cold waters of the ice bucket challenge. Now I was going to dedicate this piece to joking about how breathlessly tone deaf and ignorant of a statement that is. How West equates celebs being hounded by paparazzi, stalkers, and autograph-seekers (which is harrowing to be sure) to the agony and trauma of the African-American experience during the '60s makes dams burst in my head. It's outlandish, deluded, and just plain wrong -- a false comparison made by someone deeply enrapt in navel gaze, chip squarely on shoulder. In short, a therapist's wet dream. That's not me joking. That's a cold assessment of West's words. West famously never graduated from college and quotes like the one above are a great argument for him finishing. But the better part of my judgement stops me there because before I had time to properly roast this quote, West put the kibosh on such things.

During this year's VMA telecast comedian and excellent mimic Jay Pharoah did funny impressions of both Kanye West and Jay-Z. Carrying off a flawless Jay-Z impression, Pharoah quipped that Jay-Z's new line of cough syrup 'Jova-tussin' is available at pharmacies and nightclubs alike, and while impersonating Kanye, he argued that the only artist to watch in music is Kanye -- a dig at the artist's famously economy-sized ego. For his part, Jay Z said nothing publicly about Pharoah's dead on impression (the man is cooler than the other side of the pillow, after all), but Kanye West was less than amused. At a recent concert, West told the crowd that following the MTV Awards he called Pharoah personally and told him 'We ain't gonna have no black comedians going up on stage spoofing the people that's working hard to open doors... for black people.' And there it was. By edict Kanye West declared that no black comedian can make fun of Blacks Kanye West feels are opening doors for other Black people. Or, in other words, West has in effect, put restrictions on Black comedians, starting with one of the top comedians in the country. Though from West's words, I take it comedians of any other race are more than are free to make fun of whoever they please. According to West there's a different set of rules that dictate what Black comedians are allowed to do. Therefore, as a Black comedian, I cannot laugh or mock West's aforementioned assertion about how the African-American experience and the celebrity experience in 2014 mirror one another. Nope. Off limits.

But maybe I'm looking at this all wrong. By policing my very behavior as a Black comedian maybe Kanye West is doing me a favor. I now know what's inbounds! So I guess thanks are in order? If I can't jokingly disagree with West's notions on race and celebrity I guess my only option is to agree whole cloth. Blacks involved in the turbulent Civil Rights struggle have everything in common with the likes of James Franco, Scarlett Johansen, Ryan Seacrest, and Macklemore -- everything. I mean, when I watch Eyes on The Prize and see stock footage of water cannons turned on Black protesters in the Deep South, I have to be told I'm not watching the Golden Globes. Or remember how the Freedom Riders' bus was burned with the Freedom Riders still inside? Today we see the same raw terror and emotion on the red carpet at the I Heart Radio Awards -- same, same guys. Or what about drama and chaos surrounding the Watts Riots of 1965? The tragedy of The Mississippi 3? The assassinations of MLK, Malcolm X, and Medgar Evers? I mean, who doesn't get as worked up about these events as do about the events covered in the pages of US Weekly or Star?! Kanye West has opened my eyes and there is no going back. The two experiences are exactly, exactly the same. In Hollywood you have gifting sweets, million dollar deals, access, social capital, hedonism, wealth and more -- AKA the same thing Blacks dealt with in the '60s. Agreed, Mr. West! Agreed! I mean, for years Black people didn't have the right to vote and during the Academy Awards only members of the Academy get to vote. Same diff, y'all! One day celebrities will throw off the shackles of their oppressively lucrative endorsement deals and movie franchise money and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual 'Free At Last! Free At Last! Thank God Almighty! I'm Free At Last!'

Employers face unusual market for health insurance

Decisions loom during open-enrollment period Share with others:

Given UPMC's recent announcement Nascar driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. would be part of the Pittsburgh hospital system's new advertising campaign, it's fitting that the checkered flag drops on Oct. 1.

That date marks the beginning of an annual three-month sprint for business-based health insurance customers, known as the 'open-enrollment' period. It's a period when typically more that two-thirds of commercial accounts are at least theoretically in play, since most businesses prefer benefit periods that start Jan. 1 and run through the end of the year.

In the Pittsburgh region, this year's open enrollment is anything but typical, for two big reasons.

The first is UPMC's decision to shred its full-access contract with Pittsburgh insurer Highmark Inc., meaning that come Jan. 1, Highmark's commercial customers (that is, non-Medicare and non-Medicaid customers) will have only partial access to UPMC's hospitals and clinics, with particularly limited access in Allegheny County.

That move would seem to portend a defection among current Highmark clients that wish to preserve their UPMC access, even if it costs them more money.

But the second, and less understood, factor is that the federal government is allowing some employers to keep their old plans, rather than forcing them to buy new ones compliant with all of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Small businesses - those employing and enrolling no more than 50 people - can continue to keep their 'transitional' plans, which are generally cheaper than the fully ACA-compliant policies, through September 2017.

As the ACA was originally envisioned, all health plans sold in the small-group market already were supposed to have met certain minimum standards.

But that deadline was extended because of's disastrous roll-out. It was extended again in March, when the Obama administration announced that it would let people with non-compliant health plans hold on to them for three more years, as long as their states allowed that.

Pennsylvania allows it. In other words, for many small businesses, it might make financial sense to keep their 'grand-mothered' Highmark insurance.

'If you're with Highmark and you're getting a low rate adjustment, you're kind of in a box,' said Rick Galardini, CEO of JRG Advisors, a benefits broker in Pine.

Some groups - particularly those hit hard by recent illnesses among members - will benefit from shopping around. That's because the new ACA plans are priced on age, gender, smoking status and geography, but not illness history.

Some small groups are finding that the good premium deals signed a year or two ago are disappearing. 'UPMC Health Plan really depressed their rates last year,' Mr. Galardini said. 'Renewal [quotes] are sliding in every day, and they need their money back.'

For most small groups, including most UPMC Health Plan clients, it makes more sense to take advantage of the three-year delay and stay put.

Mr. Galardini said about 85 percent of his small-business clients will find it's a better deal to stay with a grandmothered plan. Shari Herrle, vice president and director of compliance at Pittsburgh's Henderson Brothers insurance agency, agreed.

'There's no question that the vast majority, 80 to 90 percent, are finding that the grandmothered renewal is by far the best option for them,' she said.

'We're not expecting a big shift,' said Jim McTiernan, a benefits consultant at Pittsburgh-based Triad USA, a division of Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. All employers, big or small, are exploring their options, and 'there will be more movement than normal, but not a very significant change.'

An upside-down market

The upshot? The normal open-enrollment season dynamics have been turned on their heads - smaller employers, who are often price shoppers and more prone to jumping insurers from year to year, are staying put. Larger 'self-insured' employers, which are usually more resistant to changing insurance providers, may instead be looking for a better deal or a more expansive provider network.

If a company is 'self-insured,' that means it pays its own employee health care expenses. These kinds of companies - whose employees make up about 60 percent of the employer-based health care market nationally - aren't buying actual insurance; instead they paying health insurers for claims management and benefits administration services.

Even though large, self-insured employers can't be wooed with cut-rate health care premiums, there are still deals to be had, Ms. Herrle said.

Administration costs typically account for 10 percent to 20 percent of a large employer's total health care tab. If an insurer can cut expenses - through multi-year, fixed rate deals on benefits services, or aggressive rates on stop-loss insurance (which is the insurance coverage that employers buy to guard against higher-than-expected medical claims) - the employer can save money on the fringes.

'The competition of the market will naturally drive down the fixed costs,' Ms. Herrle said.

While a large employer, especially one with employees scattered across the county, first wants to know about hospital access, it's not the only consideration. Some companies prefer the Blue Cross Blue Shield approach to covering claims (pay first, ask questions later) to the more aggressive claims-review practiced by for-profit insurers, Mr. Galardini said.

Beyond that, 'What's the contracted payment for the medical services going to be?' Ms. Herrle said.

Some insurers have better contracts than others with area hospitals and providers. Historically, Highmark has had the best negotiated rates with Pittsburgh-area hospitals, meaning the employer pays lower medical bills.

That gap has been narrowing in recent years, Ms. Herrle said, and Highmark's advantage on hospital bills isn't what it used to be. Large employers that stuck with Highmark because they had lower claims costs may find Cigna, Aetna and UnitedHealth more competitive than they expect.

On the other hand, having access to the prestigious, but more expensive, East End UPMC hospitals will come at a price for the employers that want it.

'Be careful what you wish for,' Ms. Herrle said.

Hidden attrition

When big companies change health insurers, it grabs attention, and sometimes - in this region, anyway - even headlines.

But much of the Highmark attrition won't come in the form of insurance accounts changing hands; instead it will come one covered life at a time, by way of large employers - such as the city of Pittsburgh - that now, or historically, offer two or more insurance options to their employees.

At those places, employees who selected a Highmark plan this year might select a different one for 2015, supposing the prices are comparable. The city in 2014 began offering HealthAmerica plans alongside Highmark plans. In 2014, according to Highmark, city employees stuck with Highmark 95 percent of the time.

But many may reconsider this year if their doctors or specialists are suddenly out of network.

Still, for all of the mud wrestling between the two Pittsburgh health care giants, Jan. 1 might not look much different that Dec. 31. All of the insurance and benefits experts interviewed for this story predicted that by the New Year, Highmark will have fewer clients and insured lives, but none thought it would be a terribly damaging number.

'We are starting to see some movement now,' Ms. Herrle said, but, 'I'm not saying it's a mass exodus in any way.'

That's the good news for Highmark. The bad news? More of the same nail-biting is expected a year from now, and perhaps for the next several years - while open enrollment is a three-month sprint, the battle for market control is a marathon.

'We're not seeing as much movement as we had perhaps thought there would be,' said Barbara A. McGinley, senior vice president at HDH Group, a Downtown insurance brokerage. That's partly because the summer consent decree between Highmark and UPMC, while still confusing to brokers and patients, at minimum seems to guarantee Highmark customers some continuity of care, and 'safety net' access to UPMC's network.

'The consent decree has given our [Highmark] members and clients a comfort level' for Jan. 1, Ms. McGinley said. Once the safety-net provisions run out and Highmark customers get a year-long taste of life without UPMC's Allegheny County hospitals, Jan. 1, 2016, 'will be just as interesting' for the insurer.

Bill Toland: or 412-263-2625.

Kim Kardashian Amps Up Security Amidst Second Attack Attempt

Posted by September 29, 2014, 2:30 pm * Kendall Fisher * 0 comments

Paris Fashion Week hasn't been the easiest run forKim Kardashian and Kanye West... But luckily they were able to amp up their security before things got even worse.

Apparently, Kim's attacker Vitalii Sediuk--the man who almost brought her to the ground before she entered the Balmain fashion show last week--had planned a second attempt on the 33-year-old reality star.

Kim was dining with her hubby at Hotel Costes in Paris when Sediuk showed up.

kim, north and kanye at givenchy show

However, since the pair had increased their security after his first attack, they had their musclemen immediately surround him and keep him under tight supervision until the two had departed.

Parisian officials have said they will not be investigating the assault, so Kimye have had to take measures into their own hands with a larger, more aggressive security force.

In fact, at recent shows people have been complaining that the bodyguards are almost too forceful.

kim goes nude for british gq

'One fashion editor didn't move fast enough [at the exit],' a source told , 'and was physically shoved by one of Kimye's guards.

'They were shoving people out of the way--these are professional people, not fans,' the witness explained angrily.

Launch the gallery above to see more pictures from Kim's attack.

Kim Kardashian targeted again by prankster Vitalii Sediuk, security team ...

Bertrand Rindoff Petroff

Kim Kardashian almost had another encounter with the Ukrainian prankster who nearly knocked her down a few days ago - but this time her security team intervened before he could pull another 'prank.'

The reality star and her husband, Kanye West, were having dinner at Hotel Costes in Paris on Sunday night when her team spotted Sediuk lurking nearby in the crowd, according to TMZ.

The site reports that her guards immediately surrounded him and did not let him leave until the celeb couple departed.

Sediuk, 25, first targeted Kardashian on Thursday, when he approached her as she, her husband and her mother, Kris Jenner, were leaving their vehicle to attend the Balmain show as part of Paris Fashion Week.

The trio were surrounded by a crowd of onlookers and paparazzi, and mayhem ensued when Sediuk lunged at the 33-year-old star, nearly knocking her down.

The notorious red carpet prankster was not arrested for the incident, the latest of a string of bizarre stunts the unemployed journalist has pulled against A-listers such as Brad Pitt, America Ferrera and Will Smith.

Kardashian and West are currently in Paris for the city's Fashion Week, with the pair and their daughter North taking in the Givenchy show Sunday.

Putting Your Health Insurance Where Your Mouth Is


Open enrollment is fast approaching. Last fall, I gave up my employer-based health insurance plan and jumped into New York's health insurance exchange.

Why give up a good health plan (that is partially subsidized by my employer) to become one more person searching for an unsubsidized plan?

The first factor was principle. While the Affordable Care Act fell far short of my expectations for improving America's health care system, it was a small step in the right direction. After years of emphasizing the importance of learning from the leading practices of other countries, I felt I should support this nascent system. As a healthy 41 year old, I was a 'good bet' for any health insurance company and insurance pools need healthy people paying the full amount to balance out some of the negative selection.

The second factor was flexibility. By disconnecting health insurance from employment, I could make career decisions without having to add 'where will I get health insurance?' to the equation.

This wasn't a financial decision. Monthly premiums were nearly identical for my employer-based plan and my exchange-selected Platinum Plan. My new plan was not as comprehensive and was not accepted by my primary care physician or my dentist. This was inconvenient but manageable. I combed through the health personnel directory, called my new insurer for some guidance, and found new providers.

Open enrollment is fast approaching. Last year many people were afraid of taking the risk of jumping into the pool. Today we know the exchange is working. There are over 7 million paying customers, costs have come in lower than expected and the number of companies offering plans next year will increase.

Many of my friends and acquaintances have jobs with employer-based health insurance. Many have been vocal advocates of the Affordable Care Act. They have talked about the need for America to improve its public health system. They have talked about the injustice of America's uninsured. They have talked about the fact that Americans pay far more for health care than other countries yet our life expectancy is below that of other wealthy countries.

It is time to talk less and do more. It is time to put your health insurance where your mouth is.

Open enrollment is fast approaching. This fall I will again get health insurance on the exchange instead of through my employer. What about you? Follow Howard Steven Friedman Twitter, Facebook, Author page

Kanye West grabs Kim Kardashian's world famous bum as she shares more ...

Kim proudly uploaded a pic of hubby Kanye groping her bum on Instagram - and they say romance is dead!

Instagram / kimkardashian

Kanye incurring the wrath of every man on the planet

As Kanye West is married to the woman with the world's most magnificent bum he can't be blamed for having the occasional squeeze and Kim obviously doesn't mind one bit.

Rapper Kanye, wearing one of his own Yeezus shirts, copped an almighty feel of Kim's legendary buttocks on the way down a flight of stairs.

Since Kim was wearing impractical heels and the stone steps looked somewhat treacherous, Kanye, 37, may have just been steadying his wife's centre of gravity as Kim placed her hand on his shoulder.

Kimye are in Paris this week and the reality star has been sending Frenchmen crazy with some figure hugging frocks which reveal her perky bum is showing no signs of heading south.

Splash News

Kim that thing is impressive

The star was out shopping for baby clothes for little cutie North West and clearly isn't one to dress down for such a task.

Wearing the tightest trousers on the Champs-Élysées and killer heels, Kim, 33, was looking absolutely fierce.

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star teamed a nude long-sleeved bodysuit with a high-waisted tan knee-length skirt, which clung on to her every curve .

Meanwhile, Kim also shared more nude pics of herself today from her recent GQ shoot which show her lying on a bed on her stomach with her famous rear arching up.

She captioned one of the snaps: 'Loved working with @TomMunroStudio on this @BritishGQ cover shoot!'. Kim was also named Woman Of The Year by the mag and we can see why.

In tribute to Kim's unparalleled bum, here are some of her best shots:


Kanye West Grabs Kim Kardashian's Butt In Sexy New Pic

Kanye was trying to be a chivalrous hubby to Kim, while they were walking down a flight of marble stairs, Sept. 27, in Paris, and he ended up getting a handful of Kim's famous booty!

Now this is one way to lead the way for your lady! Kanye West, 37, is clearly proud of Kim Kardashian's, 33, famous curves and we don't blame him. When we saw Kim post the pic to her Instagram with no caption we felt like this pic spoke one thousand words to us.

Kanye West Grabs Kim Kardashian's Butt In Sexy New Pic

Kim has been posting up a storm while she and Kanye have been in Paris for fashion week and she and Kanye seem more in love than ever.

The reality star has posted 13 pics of her and Kanye while in Paris and it comes as a bit of a shock for Kim fans since we know she's a fan of selfies.

Kim & Kanye: Freaked Out By Attack & Hire Armed Security

But it hasn't been one big love-fest in Paris, Kim was attacked by Vitalli Sediuk, a Ukrainian media personality, who ran up to her and knocked her over! He claims he was doing it, not to hurt Kim, but to retaliate against the United States for banning him from entering the country after punching Brad Pitt in the face in May of 2014.

He told the Daily Mail:'I hope Kim is OK and won't be mad at me as I didn't mean any harm. Kanye is one lucky man as Kim is a goddess!'

But in the meantime, Kim and Kanye have 'beefed up' their security team and hired armed guards, scary!

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HollywoodLifers, do you think it's cute Kanye grabbed her butt?

- Chloe Melas More Kim Kardashian News: Kim Kardashian Flaunts Massive Cleavage & Flashes Bra In Paris Kim Kardashian Wows In Tight White Dress For Date Night With Kanye West Kim Kardashian & Kayne West: Spanking North West? - The Truth

'Sticker shock' of health insurance renewals

The News Journal'Sticker shock' of health insurance renewalsThe News JournalAs a physician, a small business owner and a health insurance policy holder, Dr. Douglas Lavenburg feels like he's drowning in no-win situations – one squeezes his medical practice, one squeezes his employees, one squeezes his own medical care.

Kanye West Grabs Kim Kardashian's Butt In Sexy New Pic

Kanye was trying to be a chivalrous hubby to Kim, while they were walking down a flight of marble stairs, Sept. 27, in Paris, and he ended up getting a handful of Kim's famous booty!

Now this is one way to lead the way for your lady! Kanye West, 37, is clearly proud of Kim Kardashian's, 33, famous curves and we don't blame him. When we saw Kim post the pic to her Instagram with no caption we felt like this pic spoke one thousand words to us.

Kanye West Grabs Kim Kardashian's Butt In Sexy New Pic

Kim has been posting up a storm while she and Kanye have been in Paris for fashion week and she and Kanye seem more in love than ever.

The reality star has posted 13 pics of her and Kanye while in Paris and it comes as a bit of a shock for Kim fans since we know she's a fan of selfies.

Kim & Kanye: Freaked Out By Attack & Hire Armed Security

But it hasn't been one big love-fest in Paris, Kim was attacked by Vitalli Sediuk, a Ukrainian media personality, who ran up to her and knocked her over! He claims he was doing it, not to hurt Kim, but to retaliate against the United States for banning him from entering the country after punching Brad Pitt in the face in May of 2014.

He told the Daily Mail:'I hope Kim is OK and won't be mad at me as I didn't mean any harm. Kanye is one lucky man as Kim is a goddess!'

But in the meantime, Kim and Kanye have 'beefed up' their security team and hired armed guards, scary!

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HollywoodLifers, do you think it's cute Kanye grabbed her butt?

- Chloe Melas More Kim Kardashian News: Kim Kardashian Flaunts Massive Cleavage & Flashes Bra In Paris Kim Kardashian Wows In Tight White Dress For Date Night With Kanye West Kim Kardashian & Kayne West: Spanking North West? - The Truth

Health insurance coming for 600k, but without one program

Written by Ben Allen, General Assignment Reporter | Sep 29, 2014 6:00 AM

(Harrisburg) -- The Healthy Pennsylvania system will offer heavily subsidized health insurance for more than 600,000 commonwealth residents, but Medicaid benefits will change.

Through a state program, low-income residents can get a ride to doctor's visits, counseling sessions, or any other type of health-related appointments.

Reimbursements are also available for those who take a car or public transportation.

But starting January 1, the Medical Assistance Transportation program will only serve those who are in the existing Medicaid program, since the state Department of Public Welfare received a one-year waiver for new enrollees.

DPW Secretary Bev Mackereth says it isn't ready to take on more people.

'We need a total re-look at that system before we add another 600,000 lives.'

Mackereth says some of the program rules are outdated.

She insists the state will watch how the change affects health care next year, but couldn't identify a specific provision that would offer transportation assistance for those who have no other options.

'Individuals will have to be proactive if they are not getting what they need. Because otherwise we won't know. But we will know if they're telling somebody because we'll get the calls, we will look at every single one, to determine what's happening,' says Mackereth.

However, as many as 79,000 people who are in the existing Medicaid program called 'General Assistance' will also lose transportation benefits, because they will be forced to get coverage through the new private coverage option under the Healthy Pennsylvania plan. Those who are considered 'medically frail' (pregnant, blind, disabled, terminally ill, etc.) will continue to have access to transportation to and from doctors appointments.

The Department of Public Welfare says its determined that more than half of those likely to enroll in the new private coverage option have a job, and thus would be more likely to have access to transportation already.

The changes don't affect emergency transportation.

The federal government granted a similar waiver to Iowa for 2014.

On Friday, September 19th, WITF incorrectly reported the Medical Assistance Transportation program would end January first. This story has been edited to correct and clarify the changes to the initiative. It is not ending for all on Medicaid; in essence, its ending for those who are in 'General Assistance' and not medically frail. It also will not be provided to new enrollees through the state's health insurance expansion.

Kim Kardashian's Sleek Bun Cheering On Kendall Jenner At Givenchy

Kim sat front row at the Givenchy fashion show during Paris Fashion Week to support her sister Kendall, who walked as a model in the show. We loved Kim's hair and makeup - get her exact lipstick below!

It was a family affair for Kim Kardashian, who sat front row with daughter North West and husband Kanye West at the Givenchy fashion show on September 28 in Paris, France. Read more about her hair and makeup look here!

Kim Kardashian's Hair At Givenchy - Sleek, Sexy Bun

Kim Instagrammed a pic of her look on Sept. 29 with makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic and hairstylist Jen Atkin, writing: 'My Paris glam squad @jenatkinhair @makeupbymario.'

Jen showed off her handiwork on Sept. 29 with the caption: 'Mère et l'enfant @kimkardashian & North West for the @Givenchy show. Makeup @makeupbymario Hair @jenatkinhair #KimKardashianWest #Givenchy.'

Mario revealed Kim's exact lip color as he also posted a picture of her, writing: 'Tonight's look for #Givenchy #pfw @kimkardashian @jenatkinhair #makeupbymario lips - @maccosmetics midimauve.'

Kim Kardashian's Mauve Lipstick - Get The Exact Shade

To get Kim's exact look, pick up MAC Cosmetics Lipstick in Midimauve.

Midimauve has a lustre finish, which means it gives lips a wet, slick look with tons of shine and moisture. Super sexy for a night out on the town!

Kendall Jenner On Givenchy Runway

Kendall rocked bleached eyebrows on the runway for PFW! Quite the high-fashion look!

Do you love Kim's hair and makeup at Givenchy, HollywoodLifers?

- Dory Larrabee More Kim Kardashian Beauty News: Kim Kardashian's Two Hair Looks In Two Days In Paris Kim Kardashian's Gorgeous, Sculpted Face In London - Her Exact Makeup Kim Kardashian's Bronzed & Beautiful Makeup In London

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian Suck it Stalker! You Can't Beat My Security

Kim Kardashian was ready for an encore performance from the dude who almost knocked her to the ground during a Paris Fashion Show event ... the guy tried again and this time he FAILED.Kim and Kanye West were having dinner at Costes Hotel in Paree at 6:00 PM -- a sign of age, right? -- when her security team eyeballed Vitalii Sediuk ... the guy who tackled her Thursday.This time Kim and Kanye's beefed up security team jumped into action, surrounding him and keeping him far from his target. By the time they let him go, Kim and Kanye were long gone.Vitalii is still on the loose ... he didn't commit a crime so there was nothing that could be done to him. As we first reported he wasn't arrested by Paris police after the fashion show attack, because cops say it was a stupid, nothing offense and they had better things to do.

Kendall Jenner Lifts Ban On Kim Kardashian Attending Her Fashion Shows

It looks like Kendall Jenner has had a change of heart! Kim Kardashian sat front at the Givenchy show during Paris Fashion Week on Sept. 28, after she was banned from attending her little sisters shows during New York Fashion Week.

Kendall Jenner, 18, certainly is making her mark in the fashion world and has plenty of support from her loving family. Kim Kardashian, 33, sat front row on Sept. 28, watching Kendall walk the runway for Givenchy after her little sister banned her from attending her shows during New York Fashion Week. Kanye West, 37, North West, 1, and Kris Jenner, 58, all also sat in the front row supporting the budding model!

Kendall Jenner Kim Kardashian Fashion Shows - Sits Front Run At Givenchy

The Kardashians are never shy about showing off just how closely knit they are as a family. Kendall has been seen walking in some of the biggest shows during Paris Fashion Week, including Balmain and Givenchy.

Kim sat front row in a sheer black gown by the designer who also responsible for creating her stunning wedding dress! Kim's daughter, North wore a similar style to her mother, sporting a black ensemble as well!

Doting mom, Kris spoke to Fashion Week Daily where she gushed over Kendall! 'I'm just really proud of Kendall, because she's worked really hard to try to get her sea legs and figure what this business is all about. I think she learned a couple of years ago how much work it is,' she said.

'She definitely has that work ethic gene and she's not afraid to dig in and work hard. You know it's not easy for these girls. That's one thing I learned really fast when she got into this business,' Kris said. 'It's a ton of work and you really have to be strong and committed and know what you're doing.'

Kendall wore a daring low-cut halter during the show paired with thigh-high peep toe boots. Her hair was parted down the center and left down while her eyebrows appeared to have been bleached.

Kris also took to Instagram to show just how proud she is of Kendall, captioning the pic, 'Absolutely stunning @kendalljenner!!@GivenchyOfficial @riccardotisci17 #Givenchy #SS15 #pfw #proudmama'

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Kendall Jenner Bans Kim Kardashian From Coming To Her Shows

During New York Fashion Week it looked like Kendall was trying very hard to be taken seriously as a model and to put some distance from her reality show family. The stunning beauty dropped her name and as previously reported, she asked Kim to not come to her shows.

'Kim was invited to a lot of the shows that I was in,' she told LOVE magazine, according to . 'She called me before and was like, 'Hey, I was invited to the show, I just wanted to let you know. Do you want me to come?' and I was like, 'No.''

So crazy! We are glad to see that Kendall has had a change of heart since Kim has always seemed to be her number one fan!

What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Are you glad that Kendall lifted the ban? Let us know your thoughts below!

- Caitlin Beck More Kendall Jenner News: Kendall Jenner & Karlie Kloss Hug & Dance At Balmain After Party Kendall Jenner Sizzles In Sexy Cutout Looks On The Balmain Runway Kendall Jenner Tells You To Register To Vote, Good For Her - Watch

Kim Kardashian and North West Attend Givenchy In Matching Sheer Outfits

Guys I have a lot of mixed feelings about what's going on here. On the one hand, I'm terrified that Baby North West is being indoctrinated into the shitshow that is fashion at such an early age. On the other hand, THAT SHEER SHIRT IS SO SMALL IT'S SO CUTE.

Kim (and Kanye) continued infecting Paris Fashion week with the 'Fashion Flu' today, wearing black sheer lacy Givenchy number (complete with the jacket-over-one-shoulder look) to the Givenchy show. Oh by the way, Kardashian wore a custom Givenchy dress that one time she married Kanye West, so something tells me she's a fan. With her was her 15-month-old baby North in a matching sheer top. That's right, Baby North attended another event at Paris Goddamn Fashion Week. From Kim Kardashian's Instagram:

I'm not into the idea of bringing a baby to a fashion show. At all. But I am very into the idea that baby North is actually baby supergenius and is merely putting up with her parents until she refines her motor skills a bit more. Then she's out the door. But she'll keep the Doc Martens.

Speechless Sunday

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are still attending Paris Fashion Week shows and bringing along their favorite accessory - their daughter North. Their latest shenanigans and outfits at the Givenchy show, where Nori sat front row again and looked very unhappy about it, leaves us speechless.

Check out the photos below

Photo Credit:

Kim Kardashian sets the scene for Givenchy at Paris fashion week

Hubert de Givenchy had Audrey Hepburn; 60 years later, Riccardo Tisci, current creative director of the house that Givenchy founded, has Kim Kardashian.

The comparison is neither acid, nor arch. The correlation is surprisingly close. Givenchy costumed Hepburn for films and dressed her for awards ceremonies, developed a personal relationship with her, and made her the public face of his perfumes. They were pioneers of a mutually beneficial designer-to-celebrity hook-up that is now an industry standard for fashion, and of which Tisci and the Kardashian-Wests are simply the foremost example.

Photograph: Michel Dufour/WireImage

Indeed, Hepburn, with her gamine crop and boyish figure, was a compelling celebrity in part because her look was so different from the mainstream feminine ideal of her day: there is a parallel here, also, with Kim Kardashian. (It should perhaps be noted that in their later years, Hubert de Givenchy and Audrey Hepburn remained devoted friends, out of the spotlight, until her death in 1993. On that front, only time will tell if the comparison holds.)

Photograph: Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters

And yet it feels undeniably strange that the Givenchy catwalk show at Paris fashion week should be annexed into celebrity culture to the extent where it functions primarily as the centrepiece of the Kardashian-Wests' quasi-state visit to Paris. The couple, whose wedding outfits Tisci designed this summer, were accompanied by their one-year-old daughter North West, whom Tisci had gifted with a bespoke full-length black chiffon Givenchy dress, for the occasion. They were seated as guests of honour, next to the other powerful family in the Givenchy constellation: Bernard Arnault of LVMH and his daughter Delphine, also a senior executive in the group, which owns Givenchy.

Photograph: Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters

The show itself was hardly wholesome family fun, but it was a powerful collection. Tisci's aesthetic is hard-edged and at the same time intimate and sensual. Like Donatella Versace, his gift is that dresses that would be brassy and cheap if they came out of any other design studio look, in his hands, like clothes for fallen angels.

On last night's catwalk, black jersey dresses, bound and strapped around the waist and breasts, fell softly from the hips to tickle the top-stitched edges of black thigh-high boots. Jackets in pirate-stripes of black and ivory silk were laced tightly over frothy white lace.

Photograph: Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters

Givenchy's sucker-punch sex appeal is softened by intricate, miniaturist-scale craftsmanship that suggests a nose-to-nose, pillow-talk intimacy: chiffon in painstaking rows of quarter-inch pleats, corsets fastened with slender cross-laced silk ribbons. And if that doesn't sound entirely in keeping with the vision of Hubert de Givenchy, then rest assured that the house signature Bettina blouse, with its soft shoulders and flounced sleeves, had pride of place in this collection, and looks particularly ravishing with a pair of tight leather trousers.

Mademoiselle North West was unavailable for comment after the show, having nodded off.

More than 32600 El Pasoans signed up for 'Obamacare'

Posted: 09/28/2014 07:31:11 PM MDT

The first official figures recently released by the federal government show that 32,626 El Pasoans signed up for health care coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace during the first enrollment period.

'It's great news that more than 32,000 got covered in El Paso through the Health Insurance Marketplace, but our work here is far from over,' said Mimi Garcia, state director of Get Covered America.

The Affordable Care Act, which some refer to as 'Obamacare,' makes it mandatory for Americans to have health care insurance or face increasing financial penalties each year.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently released detailed figures for marketplace enrollments.


Diana Washington Valdez

El Paso County had the sixth-largest enrollment of all the major urban counties in Texas, the report shows. Harris County (Houston) had 137,649 enrollments; Dallas County (Dallas) 83,420; Bexar County (San Antonio), 61,577; Tarrant County (Fort Worth), 61,369; and Travis County (Austin), 42,547.

Nearly 734,000 people in Texas enrolled by the deadline this past spring; and nationally, about 8 million Americans signed up for a health insurance plan. Texas had the third-highest number of enrollments through the marketplace, after California and Florida.

Although glitches with the HHS website for enrollments caused delays and led to nationwide frustration with the system, problems were fixed, officials said. The experience gained with the first enrollment should lead to a smoother process this time, said Jose Medrano, Get Covered America's regional organizing coordinator for the Texas border region.

'According to the U.S. Census, Texas continues to have the largest number of uninsured residents in the country (6 million), and this means we still have a long way to go,' Medrano said. 'We did end up with more than 733,000 new Texans with coverage, and the eligibility process also helped to identify 83,000 Texans who qualified for Medicaid. Our coalitions are out in force educating, engaging and helping more people to enroll in affordable health care plans.'

There's still a long way to go in El Paso: Earlier this year, U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-El Paso, said 180,000 El Pasoans lacked health care insurance.

'With the next open enrollment period right around the corner, we'll be working nonstop with our partners in the Enroll El Paso collaborative to make sure that area residents get covered and stay covered,' Garcia said.

The next enrollment period begins Nov. 15, and Project Amistad is ready to start helping people in West Texas navigate through the system to find plans that they are eligible for and can afford, organization spokesman Roy Ortega said.

Ortega said Project Amistad expects a continuous flow of people seeking help because there won't be as many remote locations providing assistance as last time.

'Overall funding is less, and our own funding was cut by 15 percent, but we have the trained and experienced navigators who can help,' Ortega said.

In addition to helping people with new enrollments, Garcia said Get Covered America also plans to make sure those who enrolled know how to keep or renew their health insurance.

People are considered covered if they have Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, COBRA, VA health coverage, TRICARE, private insurance, a job-based plan, or other forms of health care coverage.

Consumers can buy a plan outside the Health Insurance Marketplace, but won't qualify for tax credits or lower out-of-pocket costs for insurance based on income.

Anyone who doesn't have coverage in 2014 will have to pay a fee of either 1 percent of their income, or $95 per adult ($47.50 per child), whichever is higher, according to The fee will be paid on 2015 income taxes.

Ortega said assistance to consumers is provided free of charge at Project Amistad.

People in West Texas may call for information at 915-298-6997 or (877) 413-2372 or visit or

Diana Washington Valdez may be reached at 546-6140.

North West At Givenchy: Kim Kardashian West And Kanye West's Daughter ...

PARIS - Mademoiselle North West is barely over a year old, but she's already commanding what fashionistas may have spent entire careers working toward: A front row seat at Givenchy.

The celebrity offspring was seated in pride of place at 'AA5 bis' next to proud mom, Kim Kardashian in a revealing Givenchy black bodice look, and dad Kanye West. ('Bis' is a French term for an additional, or last minute placing - implying that North's seat had only been confirmed at the last moment.)

There was so much attention on the little star that people almost forgot the reason they were there: Riccardo Tisci's ready-to-wear clothes.

Here are the highlights and show reports from Sunday's spring-summer 2015 collections.



Chloe dedicated its collection to the influential Gaby Aghion, who founded the house in 1952 and died Saturday, aged 93.

Aghion will be remembered for pioneering the concept of ready-to-wear clothes, and she has been credited with coining the very phrase 'pret-a-porter.'

In 1956, together with Jacques Lenoir put on the first ready-to-wear show, reportedly at a breakfast at the fashionably intellectual Cafe de Flore.

Aghion also has a great eye for talent, and Chanel's designer Karl Lagerfeld owes a lot to her for poaching him to design Chloe from in the '60s.

A message in the program notes honoured her legacy and praised her 'free spirit and independent resolve.'



The '70s-infused Chloe girl this season looked like she could jet off at any point to the summery Greek islands.

Knee-high lace sandals set the Grecian tone immediately.

A Balkan-looking dress came in fluttery lace sexily revealed the skin.

The classical musing continued in loose-fitting square brown dress looked almost like a tunic, with traditional embroidering's reminiscent of traditional Greek island-style.

But the most feminine looks were found in an earthy ochre silk top which billowed voluminous folds over the breast - or, elsewhere, in the long, hanging column silhouettes.

Was Clare Waight Keller channeling the majestic Caryatids that hold up the Athens Parthenon?



It was a low-key, yet stylish, collection that met Kenzo's guests on Sunday morning.

The calm vibe was most probably welcomed by the bleary-eyed fashionistas, many of whom clutched coffee before the show.

Silhouettes were soft: either long with giant billowing Asiatic pants - white, black, blue or printed - or with boxy torsos with circular, often flared sleeves, and flared A-line skirts.

The graphic shapes, Oriental yet abstract, merged East and West, as is now the common theme from designers Carol Lim and Humberto Leon.

Denim was one new addition to the Kenzo universe.

It was seen in an industrial-looking, soft boxy shirt-coat, with on-trend eyelets. (This utilitarian theme has been on high rotation this season.) And elsewhere, on a neat dropped kick skirt.

There was a lengthy, white stripy shirt that looked so relaxed, it was almost an invitation to crawl back to bed.



Phoebe Philo worked her minimalist magic to produce a relaxed collection - with diverse ideas on show.

Ballgown-like ruffled fringing on dress hems contrasted softly with sporty shoulders.

A pendant around the neck or on a waist belt - delicately accessorized an angelic white enveloping gown.

While lattice work - like square-shaped pieces of buttoned down fabric - on sleeveless tops added the signature fashion-forward twist.

Despite the varied styles - there was cohesion in the subtle Philo touches, which gave this collection an abstract lift.

But the nicest looks were surely the flowery feminine print dresses with bits of divergent fabric placed or inserted almost haphazardly on the long floaty pre-War silhouette. They had a nice, snipped-away feel.


Thomas Adamson can be followed on Twitter at

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West Bring North to Givenchy Fashion Show: Photos

One trendy tot! At just 15 months old, North West already has the hottest ticket in Paris.

Kim Kardashian and brought their little girl to the Givenchy runway show at Paris Fashion Week on Sunday, Sept. 28. Nori sat front-row at the star-studded affair, resting in her mom's lap and between her father West, 37, and grandmother Kris Jenner.

PHOTOS: North West's Fabulous Life: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Daughter

Kardashian, 33, dressed her daughter in an outfit that matched her own. The star of Keeping Up With the Kardashians wore a sheer black lace jumpsuit to the fashion show, with a leather jacket slung over her shoulders.

She dressed North in a similar number. The baby wore a sheer black lace top, black pants, and black sneakers. West echoed his family's color palette, wearing a black collared shirt, black pants, and brown boots.

PHOTOS: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Sweetest PDA Moments

Earlier in the week, North and her parents took in the Balenciaga fashion show on Wednesday, Sept. 24. 'She started to cry when we were walking out the door [of our hotel],' Kardashian told Yahoo! Style of her decision to bring her daughter. 'And we couldn't leave her. So, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing.'

The Givenchy show, however, seemed to be a planned event for the Kardashian-West family. Photos from the venue showed a seat label for 'Mademoiselle North West.' ?

PHOTOS: Kim Kardashian's Baby Bump Style

One Paris Fashion Week event that was less successful for Mr. and Mrs. West was the Lanvin show on Thursday, Sept. 25. When they arrived a reported 40 minutes late to the runway show, the couple was booed as they took their seats.

Kim Kardashian and North West Wear Matching Sheer Outfits for Paris Fashion ...

Posted by September 28, 2014, 6:00 pm * Jason Marshall * 0 comments

There've been plenty of highs and lows for Kim Kardashian as she enjoys all that Paris Fashion Week has to offer, but it seems that her little cuddle monster, also known as North West, is able to turn Kim's frown upsidedown.

It was a family affair on Sunday, as Kim, North and Kanye West made their way to the Givenchy presentation, which just so happens to include a walk from Kendall Jenner.

Thing is, in an ADORABLE twist, Kim somehow managed to get North a sheer ensemble that matched her own, much sexier, outfit.

Now, we don't normally use paparazzi photos that include the children of celebrities. We've taken a stand against it, as matter of fact. Today though, Kim's klan were photographed inside the very public and press-filled fashion show as well as the photos taken on their way to the venue.

We're sure Kim won't mind, because, come on, that family is picture perfect. No one is going to argue with that.

Make sure to check out all of the adorable family action in the gallery above and let us know what you have to say about Kim's sheer moment in the comments below.

photo evidence of kim kardashian being tackled in paris!

It's Not Your Imagination, Your Health Insurance Has Gotten Worse


A quiet revolution happened to your job-based health benefits and you may not have noticed. It's happened gradually, but insurance looks a lot different than it did just 15 years ago: Americans are paying more and getting less.

That trend is only getting worse.

Gone are the days of deluxe health plans that simply paid employees' medical bills without questions or problems. Now, faced with their own rising health care expenses, employers are forcing more risk for big medical bills onto workers, and asking them to take a more active role in shopping for lower-cost health care than they have before.

Last year, when Amy Czerwinski learned she had breast cancer and would need a double mastectomy as well as seven months of chemotherapy, she was not in the best place to start bargain-hunting for care.

'This is a life-and-death thing,' said Czerwinski, a 38-year-old accountant who lives in Hendersonville, Tennessee. 'You go to the specialist, and they tell you who they would suggest. I would be afraid to shop around and get a cheaper oncologist.'

And that highlights a key problem with putting the onus on patients to be smart shoppers for doctors: The spread of health insurance that makes us pay more money upfront has outpaced the spread of reliable, accessible information about prices and about the quality of medical services.

Health insurance companies and employers use buzzwords like 'consumer-directed health plans' to describe these approaches to health benefits. Higher deductibles and other means of making patients pay more when they receive health care -- like 'coinsurance' that requires consumers to cover a percentage of their bills rather than charging a flat copayment -- are a way for employers to save money.

The average annual cost of a single worker's insurance plan more than doubled between 1999 and 2013, rising from about $2,200 to around $5,900, according to a survey of employers published by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust last month. Over that same time, the average share of that cost paid by single workers inched up from 14 percent to 18 percent -- meaning employers are chipping in less, even as costs rise precipitously.

And in the past five years, another trend has rapidly spread: higher and higher deductibles, which require workers to pay cash upfront for their medical care before the insurance begins picking up a share of the bills. Between 2006 and 2013, the portion of single workers whose plans have deductibles of at least $1,000 jumped from 10 percent to 38 percent, according to the survey.

Deductibles are supposed to give patients a financial motivation -- what insiders call 'skin in the game' -- to shop around for less expensive medical providers, and to reconsider treatments they may not need. When you're responsible for paying more of the bill, you're more likely to care about how much something costs.

Photo courtesy of Amy Czerwinski

In some key respects, these changes have been beneficial. In the old days, a patient had no reason to care how much a service or a drug might cost, because their health plan would cover almost all of it. This is one reason U.S. health care spending went up and up over the decades. And the switch to health insurance that requires patients to pay more of the total cost has contributed to a historic slowdown in national health spending and to slower growth in job-based insurance premiums in recent years.

That doesn't mean a whole lot when you get sick, though. Health insurance designed to make workers more cost-conscious also exposes them to big expenses when they need lifesaving care, as Czerwinski learned. 'Your insurance won't even touch anything until you hit your deductible,' she said.

Czerwinski racked up more than $15,000 in out-of-pocket costs as she struggled to meet the deductibles for her employer's health insurance while undergoing a double mastectomy and seven months of chemotherapy.

'You pretty much ignore the cost, because you just do,' she said. 'And then when you finally have to start opening the bills, it's kind of too late because you've already incurred the expenses.' Her employer and the Patient Advocate Foundation, which referred HuffPost to Czerwinski, helped cover her expenses, she said.

A key element of the reasoning behind large deductibles and higher cost-sharing is that it will spur patients to become smarter consumers of health care who will do the research on which medical providers charge lower prices or have been proven to offer high-quality treatments.

But the facts that patients need in order to make informed choices are hard to find and complex to evaluate.

'I don't even know how you would do that,' Czerwinski said. 'I didn't even know that was an option.'

And people facing high cost-sharing tend to skip not just expensive care they could do without, but also services they actually need, research shows.

There has been some improvement on this score, as health insurance companies, employers and other organizations are gathering and disseminating cost and quality information for patients to use. A growing number of health insurance companies, for example, are sharing these data with a nonprofit called the Health Care Cost Institute, which will publish them on its website next year.

Yet merely making the information available isn't enough, said David Newman, the institute's executive director. 'Transparency in and of itself is not going to be the silver bullet. It can help,' he said.

Employers who are shifting more responsibility for managing health care costs to workers should do more to make sure their employees understand how their benefits work and get them invested in the new way of doing things, said Julie Stone, the North America health and group benefits leader at Towers Watson, a consulting firm.

'There is an employer role to keep that front and center, and give examples and illustrate [that] it's in everybody's best interests, it's a win-win for the employer and the employee from a cost-management perspective,' Stone said.

Czerwinski is now cancer-free, but she still worries about paying for the doctor visits and drugs she'll need to make sure the disease doesn't come back. And she's not confident her health benefits will keep up with her needs or stay on her family's budget.

'Insurance companies don't pay like they used to. And it's only going to get worse, and that's very scary because our salaries are not increasing at the same rate the insurance costs are increasing,' Czerwinski said. 'It didn't use to be this bad.'

Kanye West Grabs Kim Kardashian's Ass And She Shows Off More Skin During ...

It must be hot in Paris, judging by Kim Kardashian's barely there outfits. If that wasn't enough, she and husband Kanye West are certainly heating things up as evidenced by their major cuddling and Kanye's blatant appreciation of his wife's assets by grabbing her ample backside.

REUTERS TV personality Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West attend the Israeli-American designer Alber Elbaz Spring/Summer 2015 women's ready-to-wear collection for fashion house Lanvin during Paris Fashion Week September 25, 2014.

Kim has been actively documenting her family's trip to Paris for fashion week where she and husband Kanye West have brought along their 1-year-old daughter, North. The Kardashian West family have met up with Kim's mom Kris Jenner and her sister Kendall, who is walking in some runway shows during the event.

Instagram has served as a platform by which fans can take a peek into Kim and Kanye's private lives as Kim has been constantly sharing some intimate moments between the two in the past couple of days. In one photo, Kanye could be seen grabbing Kim's ass as the two of them were making their way down some stairs. Kanye had one hand on the balustrade, while the other was wrapped around his wife and ended firmly on her backside. Kim was wearing a nude bodysuit paired with a tan body hugging skirt. Kanye meanwhile, wore one of his exclusive splatter design Yeezus shirts.

In yet another Instagram post, Kim shared a sweet moment between her and Kanye as they were photographed facing each other seemingly about to kiss. The photo was originally posted by Kim's friend and world renowned photographer Mario Testino.

If anyone has forgotten, Kim also shared a photo of the revealing look she wore in last year's Givenchy show for Paris Fashion Week. The throwback post showed her blonde hair and her outfit that opened up in front, unabashedly displaying her ample cleavage.

For this year's Givenchy show, Kim went to watch her sister Kendall walk the runway and she kept up the heat by coming out in a sheer lace pantsuit that barely covered her up through a black corseted bodice. Her legs were completely exposed through the lace. She completed the look by draping a black leather jacket over her shoulders. In the photo she shared, she had baby North in her arms and the little fashionista matched her mom with a sheer black top of her own.

Kim has been turning heads all over Paris in the past week but it seems like it's not all for the right reasons. On the way into the Balmain show, she was attacked by a Ukrainian prankster. She and Kanye have reportedly also been called a 'fashionflu' by some people that they have rubbed the wrong way during their stay.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Draw Criticism In Paris Fashion Week And Called 'Fashion Flu'

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Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and North West Support Kendall Jenner at Paris ...

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

Kendall Jenner's runway domination continues!

The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star sustained her busy month of modeling by walking in Givenchy's show Sunday night at Paris Fashion Week.

With minimal makeup on, the 18-year-old was able to strut her stuff wearing knee-high boots, a black romper and a fashionable leather bag.

'Absolutely stunning @KendallJenner!!' momager Kris Jenner shared on Instagram after watching the show from the front row. '@riccardotisci17 #Givenchy #SS15 #pfw #proudmama.'

Kris wasn't the only family member in attendance at Sunday's glamorous event.

PHOTOS: Kim Kardashian's mommy style

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

Kim Kardashian, and baby also witnessed Kendall on the runway as they sat from the front row.

West sported black pants and a matching button-down while Kim showed off plenty of cleavage in a revealing back dress. North looked cuter than ever as she sat on mom's lap throughout the show. We also love those sparkling earrings. Nice touch, mom!

Kim and Kanye have been longtime fans of Givenchy creative director Riccardo Tisci. In addition to attending last year's show in Paris, Kim also chose a Givenchy Haute Couture lace gown for her magical wedding to Kanye.

In the past Tisci has even compared Kim to the late Marilyn Monroe.

'She's the Monroe of our age,' he told The Sunday Times. 'People think she's like a doll, but actually she's tough and clever.'

PHOTOS: See what the Kardashian family has been up to lately

Bertrand Rindoff Petroff/French Select/Getty Images

On Sunday evening, however, it was all about Kendall who proved once again she has the looks and talent to walk in some of the biggest runway shows around.

'To be honest, this is exactly what I wanted to be,' she recently told E! News. 'I was always looking up to supermodels, they were, like, my superheroes.'

Job well done, Kendall!

For more Kardashians, watch Kourtney and Khloé Take the Hamptons premiering this November only on E! PHOTOS: All of Kendall Jenner's runway looks RELATED VIDEOS:
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