Feeling like a random Kanye-West-meets-sports story? Then this one's for you, Jack.
This particular Mr. West event occurred three years and one day ago, on the set of LeBron James ' infamous 'Decision.' You remember that little ditty, right?
It wasn't a big deal, just the culmination of countless hours of media frenzy and national intrigue concerning LeBron's next move. Celebrities, fans and media alike all crammed in edgewise to witness the biggest free-agency event in sports history. Yawn.
Yawn indeed, considering Kanye West was there and fell asleep during the proceedings, according to former ESPN employee Courtney Cox.
Larry Busacca/Getty Images
Cox, a current writer for BroJackson.com, wrote a column in honor of the third anniversary of the 'The Decision' in which she recalls the weird incident of West arriving on the scene.
In her story Cox writes that she was working as an ESPN stage manager on the set of 'The Decision' when a 'high-level' executive from one of the event's partner companies approached her.
'[The exec] whispered softly 'Kanye West is here and I don't know where to seat him.''
The notion of wrangling Kanye West is a startling thing to lay on anyone, much less a 22-year-old stage liaison. Cox writes that the news sent a rush of bad flashbacks to West's prior behavior at live televised events.
Mind you, this is not long after the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, where Kanye gave Taylor Swift the business in his infamous 'I'mma let you finish speech' speech. All I can think about is 'Ye approaching the set, snatching the mic and saying 'Yo LeBron. I'm really happy for you. I'mma let you finish, but Michael Jordan had one of the best careers of all time.'
Her concerns of a potential mic-jacking well in mind, she ended up finding Mr. West a spot in the middle third row, her reasoning being that the farther back he sits, the better chance she would have at properly 'wrapping up' when she has to tackle him.
As it happened, Kanye sat down quietly and Cox forgot about him-that is until one of the cameramen pointed the rap star out to her and said 'I think Kanye West fell asleep.'
Larry Busacca/Getty Images
Sure enough, West sat there, sunglasses on indoors (naturally) and bobbing his head in that a semi-conscious battle against sleep we've all had to fight off in class before. He would eventually get up and leave 'well before The Decision ended,' according to Cox.
So there it is, your mythical Kanye West sports-crossover story of the day. It's weird, kind of funny and somehow completely keeps with his character.
As Dee-Ray on College Dropout would say, 'What in the (bleep) was that, Kan-hey?!'
Wake up, Mr. West. Follow @Dr__Carson
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