How To Achieve Universal Health Coverage At Half The Cost

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(Photo credit: Mike Licht,

By Kip Hagopian & Dana Goldman

With each passing day the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has become increasingly imperiled. Calls for alternatives are wide spread. In an article published in National Affairs, we proposed a better way. In contrast to the ACA, our plan would provide insurance coverage for all, slow the growth in health care spending, and greatly simplify the health care system-all for about half the cost of the ACA.

To see how we might do this, we need to take stock. America's health care system suffers from two major problems. First, 48 million people are without health insurance, any one of whom could be stricken by a serious ailment that would put them at risk of having to forgo proper care or incur a catastrophic financial loss. Second, the continuing growth in health care spending (albeit at a slower pace in recent years) is compromising the fiscal soundness of the nation and becoming increasingly burdensome to households.

The ACA was intended to solve both problems, but now seems unlikely to solve either. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that 10 years from now, 31 million people will still be uninsured and thus vulnerable to a devastating illness. As to cost, it is at best uncertain that the ACA will slow the growth in health care spending. Despite the anticipated shortfalls in the law's good intentions, the CBO still projects its 10-year cost will be $1.8 trillion, an average of $180 billion per year.

The ACA went off track by trying to cover too much. Health insurance, like other forms of insurance, should perform one fundamental function: to protect against serious or catastrophic financial loss. What it should not, and need not do is pay for 'maintenance' expenses. Homeowner's insurance does not cover the cost of replacing the roof or painting the house, so why does health insurance pay for doctor visits, antibiotics, and cough syrup? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, health care (including health insurance) represents only 7% of average household expenditures, in fifth place behind housing (33%), transportation (17.5%), food (13%), and personal insurance (11%). So why all the fuss? The reason is, while on average household health care expenditures are modest, they can be financially devastating when someone has a serious accident or contracts a major illness.

The centerpiece of our plan is to provide catastrophic insurance coverage to 100% of the approximately 200 million Americans not covered by Medicare or Medicaid. These policies would be in effect from birth until Medicare availability. For the uninsured, the coverage would be new, and for the insured, it would supplant the catastrophic portion of existing insurance. Inasmuch as the meaning of catastrophic loss depends on one's financial resources, the deductible would be means-tested by varying it as a percent of the income that exceeds the Federal Poverty Line (FPL). Thus, for a family with income of $28,000, the individual deductible would be only a few hundred dollars, while a family earning $50,000 would have an individual deductible of about $2,500. To make beneficiaries more cost conscious, we would require modest cost-sharing after the deductible has been reached, which would phase out as costs approach a multiple of the deductible. Thus, poorer families would have a proportionately lower cost-sharing obligation.

We recognize the importance of preventive medicine in a system like we are proposing, so certain preventive-care services-particularly those that can be demonstrated to save money (such as statins, anti-asthma medications, and childhood vaccinations)-would be provided for free. (Free preventive care is particularly important for those with lower incomes.) Andfor people with chronic illnesses (such as diabetes) who regularly use up the deductible, there would be a process by which the deductible could be reduced, thus lowering the threshold at which the insurance kicks in.

We estimate the cost to the beneficiary of the catastrophic insurance will be less than $2,000 per year per person (about $150 per month), or half the cost of a typical single-person policy. The substantial majority of the beneficiaries of the plan would pay the full $2,000 premium. But for those who require support to make it affordable, the policies would be subsidized on a sliding scale according to income.

Although the vast majority of people would have to pay for all or part of the costs of their catastrophic policies, almost none would see a reduction in their disposable income. This is because the government-sponsored insurance will eliminate the costs of the catastrophic portion of all pre-existing, private-market insurance (either employer provided or individually purchased). This will free up the cash necessary to pay for the government-sponsored insurance. (Economists agree that insurance provided by an employer, is effectively paid for by the employee by giving up cash income. Thus, if the insurance is eliminated, the employer will be obliged by market forces to pass the savings on to the employee by raising his or her income.) For those who self-insure, the government-sponsored policy will cover the expected-value of any out-of-pocket costs necessary to cover a catastrophic situation.

Those who insist on broader coverage than our plan offers would be free to acquire supplemental insurance, either from their employer or individually in a national market. We suspect, however, that because of the lower premiums, many people will choose to self-insure for theirroutine health expenses. And those that do will more likely be price-conscious.

Currently, markets for health care are shockingly opaque; there needs to be much more transparency. To this end, we would have the government construct a consumer-friendly website housing a comprehensive database of prices of commonly-used medical goods and services. Providers would be required to post prices, and consumers and other quality-rating services could post their ratings. This will allow consumers to comparison shop for the best combination of price and efficacy.

Because so much of the funding for this plan will come from people who already have insurance or can afford to buy it, only the truly needy will have to be subsidized by public funds. We estimate the amount of those subsidies will total about $95 billion per year. This will fully fund coverage for the roughly 30 million legal residents who cannot afford it (this number excludes seven million illegal immigrants and 11.5 million uninsured who can afford insurance but don't buy it). It will also fund premium subsidies for those whose income is below 300% of the FPL.The $95 billion cost estimate for this plan contrasts with the ACA's $180 billion, 10-year average cost projected by the CBO.

This plan will make the health insurance system vastly simpler and cheaper. Gone will be the insurance exchanges, and such terms as: 'pre-existing conditions,' 'health care mandates,' 'guaranteed rating,' 'portability,' 'policy cancellations,' the 'individual mandate,' and 'tax penalties.' Gone also will be the bureaucracies and voluminous regulations necessary to administer and police such a complex system. The cost savings from such a major systemic transformation could significantly reduce the $95 billion cost of this plan.

The health insurance system in the United States is ailing, but there is a cure. We propose to apply basic insurance principles by pooling public money to protect the unlucky few. By providing real insurance rather than a blank check for routine medical expenses, we can cover 100% of the uninsured, slow the growth of health care spending, and greatly simplify the system. And all of this for less than half the cost.

Kip Hagopian was a co-founder of Brentwood Associates, a California-based venture capital and private equity firm. He currently writes on public policy issues. Professor Dana Goldman is the director of the Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics and holds the Norman Topping Chair in Medicine and Public Policy at the University of Southern California.

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