Kimye brag about love in cringey vid

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THEY cannot be serious... Oh, wait, yes, they can. Kanye West and Kim Kardashian have let slip (read: leaked) a video, which documents just how much they really, really, really love each other.

Radaronline is reporting that as paparazzi video of the couple rolls, it is interspersed with interviews that both gave about each other, bragging endlessly about their love affair (little North West only appears briefly. We can't work out if this is because they're protecting her privacy or don't want the attention taken away from them).

'I've never loved any girl, other than my mother, as much as I love my girlfriend,' says West, adding (in case we'd forgotten): 'I'm so happy to be with her.'

Then, in a scene reminiscent of his infamous 'Single Ladies is the greatest video of ALL time' Taylor Swift stage invasion of a few years ago, West bleats: 'Y'all acting like this ain't the most beautiful woman of all time. Arguably of human existence, the top 10.' There's also a screen shot from their ridiculous Bound 2 video (OK, they must be joking).

Kardashian adds a few of her own pearls of wisdom, saying that she doesn't understand why it took so long for the two of them to get together.

'I feel like we've been through a lot together as friends and he's always been so supportive in my life,' coos Kardashian.

West then opines that Kardashian is 'the only girl that doesn't want me for money,' and says he thanks God daily for their relationship.

'I love the fact that God has put her in my life every single day.'

You have permission to throw up now.

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