Kris Jenner 'went ballistic' over topless Kim Kardashian in Kanye West's ...

AF/Star Max/FilmMagic

Kris Jenner reportedly didn't approve of her daughter's toless antics in the 'Bound 2' video.

Kanye West's 'Bound 2' video, which features the rapper riding on a motorcycle while fiancé Kim Kardashian straddles him topless, was divisive even within the Kardashian family.

Family matriarch Kris Jenner was not pleased by her daughter's latest nude antics, according to a report in Heat magazine.


After a private screening of the music video, a source told the magazine, 'Kris went ballistic, telling her daughter than the 2007 leaked sex tape that Kim made with her ex-boyfriend Ray J, because that was meant to stay private while this was meant to go public.'

'She started crying, saying how ashamed she was to see her daughter being 'forced into something so degrading,'' the source continued. 'She's saying that Kim's destroyed all her credibility.'


Sisters Khloe and Kourtney were reportedly also miffed by the racy video.

'Kourtney told her she thought the video was disgusting and disrespectful, to the family and all their relatives, but also questioned why Kim did it,' the insider said. 'They are considering an intervention.'

Deadline Day: Obama administration 'on track' for website goal, agency says

Washington (CNN) -- A moment of truth has arrived for President Barack Obama's signature health care reforms with Saturday's self-imposed deadline to get the problem-plagued website to work properly for most users.

Obama and officials in charge of the website say the 'vast majority' of people who visit it starting Saturday will have a much improved experience than the crashes, error messages and delays that users faced when it launched October 1.

Can Obamacare website handle the volume?

Another stumble now, after recent revelations of policy cancellations and premium increases for some under the reforms known as Obamacare, would further weaken public trust in the administration's ability to implement the 2010 Affordable Care Act intended to help millions of uninsured Americans get coverage.

Continued problems also would provide more ammunition for fierce attacks led by conservative Republicans seeking to dismantle a law they consider unworkable and the ultimate example of big government run amok.

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According to Jeff Zients, a former administration official brought in to lead efforts to fix the website, success would mean that 800,000 people can successfully visit each day, with up to 50,000 of them online at the same time.

He told reporters at a White House briefing on Tuesday that teams working 24/7 still were making improvements intended to boost capacity to handle an expected surge in visitors beginning on Saturday.

The site was taken down Friday night for overnight maintenance ahead of the deadline set by the Obama administration following the rollout debacle for most users to have a smooth experience on the website.

'What we are comfortable with is that the 800,000 consumer visits a day will handle the demand across the coming months,' Zients said.

It better. Republicans already are declaring the website and the sweeping health law a failure.

While the website exposed a serious flaw in executing the program and was a political embarrassment, Obama's poll numbers have slid sharply over individual policy cancellations that disproved his repeated refrain when selling the program publicly that people could keep their coverage if they preferred.

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'We've been down this road before as officials looked us in the eye for months, pledging to the American people that everything was 'on track' and we now know with the chaos behind the scenes that it was 'on track' for disaster,' said a statement Friday by GOP Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee. 'What reason do we have to believe things will be different now?'

Sebelius: Site improvements 'on track'Obama confident of health reform legacy

For his part, Obama sounded confident of the eventual success of both the website and the reforms he championed and pushed through Congress with no Republican votes, telling ABC in an interview broadcast Friday that providing the security of health care to millions of Americans 'is going to be a legacy I am extraordinarily proud of.'

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Problems continue to plague the system, and technology experts have questioned if the fixes being deployed by hundreds of government workers, outside contractors and specialists can get it functioning smoothly this weekend.

Luke Chung, president of Virginia-based software developer FMS Inc., called the administration's prediction that would work at 80% capacity on or around November 30 an impractical threshold in the software world.

'I don't know how to build something that's only 80% complete,' Chung told CNN. 'I don't even understand how that works.'

The White House briefing led by Zients provided previously unknown details about the extent of the efforts to resolve the website problems.

He described a frenetic operation involving hundreds of workers in and around Washington.

The top priority is to make sure consumers can use to enroll in health exchanges that serve as the marketplace for private insurers participating in Obamacare, Zients said.

He described twice-daily conference calls and a 24-hour open line to allow for constant interaction for scores of computer programmers working for a dozen contractors to interact day and night.

'Ruthless prioritization'

'The point of these calls is we don't have an hour or a minute to waste, and therefore we need to make sure that there is ruthless prioritization at all times as to what matters most, that there's real-time reaction if something unexpected happened, someone hit a roadblock on a fix,' Zients said.

The 'ruthless prioritization' Zients mentioned means that much of the system supporting the site -- the 'back end' part for making payments and interacting with insurance companies -- still was being built.

Robert Zirkelbach, a spokesman for the insurance trade group America's Health Insurance Plans, said that 'there is still a lot of work to be done to make sure that enrollments can be done and processed accurately.'

Can the Affordable Care Act be saved? Walker: Obamacare is law Obamacare subsidies don't add up Where's the anonymous shopping perk? Insurers: Site glitches persist

Zients said more than 300 computer 'bugs' have been fixed so far in a continuing process.

'Inevitably, as more and more users use the system -- which they are every day -- we find some new ones,' he added. 'But for the most part, they're not nearly as significant as the original bugs.'

At the same time, he warned that demand could exceed capacity at times, especially if people rush to the site starting Saturday to sign up.

WH: Enroll in Obamacare, but not too fast

To deal with that, Zients said a new 'customer-friendly queuing system' will notify visitors of time to come back at the front of the line.

However, it was unclear what information -- if any -- the administration will provide to demonstrate how the website performs.

Officials have sophisticated programs that monitor second-by-second use of, but they have limited information made public so far to one monthly summary of overall enrollment figures.

Delay for small businesses

Some problems have proved insurmountable. The administration announced Wednesday that the website will be unable to enroll small businesses online for another year.

Small businesses can enroll in other ways in the special small business system known as SHOP, but problems with have prevented their online enrollment so far.

It was the third delay of the SHOP Marketplace component of the website, this time until November 2014.

Republicans pounced on the news, with House Speaker John Boehner urging Obama to delay implementation of the entire law.

'This law has been an absolute disaster, leaving us to ask, 'What's next?' ' the Ohio Republican said in a statement. 'If the President won't repeal it, he should at least delay the entire law before it wreaks any more havoc on American families and small businesses as well as our economy.'

Boehner signs up for Obamacare

Website woes aside, a new CNN/ORC International poll released Wednesday showed a majority of Americans believe the current Obamacare problems can be solved, and the figures for overall support and opposition remain little changed from a month ago.

Obamacare fails to attract young people Tyson: Obamacare rollout didn't work Website crucial to success

A properly functioning is crucial to implementing the most vital provisions of the Affordable Care Act that require people to have health coverage.

In theory, the law would create large pools of younger, healthier participants whose premiums would help offset the cost of providing care for older policy holders who use the health care system more.

The program must convince younger people who might be less inclined to pay for coverage they don't think they need.

CNN Analysis: No Obamacare subsidy for some

The GOP opposition targets the entire health care law, not just the website woes, as the ultimate example of big government overreach.

Initial enrollment figures lower

Enrollment figures for the first month after the opening of the new insurance exchanges were much lower than initially expected. But some states are now reporting stronger numbers.

According to a CNN count based on available figures, a little more than 200,000 people have signed up for Obamacare -- either through the national system or networks set up in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

In addition, more than 370,000 have signed up for Medicaid under state programs expanded through the health care reforms, the CNN count shows.

The enrollment period runs until March 31, and officials have said the target for the first year was 7 million people. To ensure they have coverage starting on January 1, consumers must sign up by December 23, the administration recently announced.

Chung, the software expert, cited December 23 as the most significant deadline, noting that demand would be huge because people by nature wait until the last minute.

Success for the website would be determined by both the number of users as well as how long they are in the system, Chung said, comparing it to a highway on which 50,000 people traveling 60 mph is smooth traffic while the same number going 10 mph is a jam.

For its part, the administration advised people to shop on at low-traffic times, which it described as weekday mornings and evenings or on weekends.

'There are 23 shopping days in December (for coverage starting January 1, 2014). No need to rush,' Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius advised Friday on the Huffington Post website.

High court to hear Obamacare birth control caseObamacare site's Anonymous Shopper shelvedGOP Obamacare playbook: Spread negative perceptionMike Tyson: Obamacare is 'really bad'

CNN's Jim Acosta, Dana Davidsen, Chris Frates, Leigh Ann Caldwell, Lisa Desjardins, Paul Steinhauser and J. Byron Wolf contributed to this report

The health care reality conservatives ignore

Editor's note: Paul Waldman is a contributing editor at The American Prospect and the author of 'Being Right Is Not Enough: What Progressives Must Learn From Conservative Success.' Follow him on his blog and on Twitter.

(CNN) -- For all the difficulties of the Affordable Care Act's rollout, Americans are more patient than you might think: A new poll shows a majority expressing optimism that the problems are going to be ironed out.

Not only that, a majority continues to support the law or think it didn't go far enough. Nevertheless, the conservatives rooting for its demise have been expressing not just vindication, but triumph. 'We could be looking at the collapse of American liberalism,' said columnist Charles Krauthammer. 'Liberalism is crumbling in front of our eyes,' echoed Michele Bachmann.

Yes indeed, a glitchy website and people moving from junk insurance to real insurance prove once and for all that government should have as little to do with health care as possible, and the entire liberal project lies in tatters.

That's a little like proclaiming that your team will inevitably lose the World Series, then go bankrupt and disband because the other team scored a run in the first inning of Game 1. But the momentary political situation aside, conservatives still face a fundamental problem when they confront America's health care system. Their ideology dictates only one solution to all health care problems, and that solution -- less government, more free market -- is exactly what gave us our dysfunctional health care system in the first place.

Let's step back a moment to consider why we needed the Affordable Care Act and what it says about the health care market. The basic conservative position is that the more you let market forces operate, the better the outcome will be. 'More markets' is the answer to everything: Let people buy insurance across state lines. Make it virtually impossible to sue for medical malpractice. Create more health savings accounts.

But where do you think the problems of America's health care system came from? It wasn't government that gave us nearly 50 million uninsured Americans and denials for pre-existing conditions. It wasn't government that gave us the yearly and lifetime caps on insurance coverage that have sent so many people into bankruptcy when they've faced a serious illness or accident. It wasn't government that gave us 'rescissions,' where your insurance company cancels your policy if you get sick.

It wasn't government that gave us a system in which the gap between what we spend and what we get is so enormous.

It was the free market.

The conservatives who profess to love markets so dearly seem unable to grasp that the market for health care isn't like the market for shoes or cars. Other developed countries understand this. Every one of our peer nations has a system with more government control than ours, ranging from almost completely socialized systems like Great Britain's to ones like those in Switzerland and the Netherlands, which resemble Obamacare but with tighter regulation.

New Obamacare setbacks Insurers fear more Obamacare trouble

We don't have to wonder whether a health care system built on capitalist profit-seeking is more efficient and less expensive than those in which the government exercises more control. There has been a test running for decades, with many developed countries doing it one way, and the United States doing it the other. The results couldn't be clearer.

On almost any criterion you can come up with, the government-controlled systems work better. They cover everyone, while spending far less than we do. Their health outcomes are as good or better than ours. A recent Bloomberg News analysis rated America's as the world's 46th most efficient health system, right above Serbia and right below Iran. Among the developed countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. ranks first (by a mile) in health spending per capita, but 26th in life expectancy.

There are some, however, who love the American health care system. American doctors make far higher salaries than their counterparts in other countries. American insurance companies do very well. As a recent New York Times investigation revealed, makers of devices like artificial hips mark up their prices double, triple, or even more when they sell to American hospitals as they do when they sell the same devices to European hospitals. The same is true of a hundred other devices and procedures. Why? Because in Europe, Japan, and other places with highly regulated health care, government rules keep the costs low.

In the American system, there are multiple points where companies do the rational thing: Extract as much money as possible from the system. That's why an MRI costs three times as much in the U.S. as it does in France or Holland.

But people living under the oppression of those other governments' systems must hate them, right? Wrong. The Commonwealth Fund recently released a study of health systems in 10 developed countries around the world which included a survey of satisfaction. America's health system was the least popular, with only 25% of Americans saying it works well and the other 75% saying it should be fundamentally changed or completely rebuilt.

The most popular was the most socialized, Great Britain's, with 63% saying it works well. You may remember that the opening ceremonies of the 2012 summer Olympics in London included a tribute to the National Health Service, so proud are Britons of their health system.

Despite all the problems created by America's private health care market, we do have versions of big-government, socialized insurance. They're called Medicare and Medicaid. They are far more efficient than private insurance, and Medicare recipients in particular love their coverage. It's no accident that in every election, Republicans -- who fought against the creation of Medicare and would love to privatize it -- try to pretend to voters that they're the program's greatest defenders. The champions of free-market capitalism decide they can't get elected without supporting a single-payer insurance program.

In all their glee about the troubled rollout of the Affordable Care Act, most Republicans are barely bothering to offer an alternative, other than a return to the way things used to be. It isn't surprising, because to be brutally frank, they never much cared about the spectacular human suffering created by free-market health care.

For decades, liberals have been working to devise policy solutions and create the political conditions for health care reform that would achieve secure, universal coverage. On the other hand, in the face of millions who can't get insurance because of pre-existing conditions and millions more who just can't afford it, the conservative response was always, 'Whatever.' The market spoke, and you lost. Too bad for you.

The Affordable Care Act can certainly be improved. But in health care -- to paraphrase Ronald Reagan -- the free market isn't the answer to our problems. It is the problem.

Follow us on Twitter @CNNOpinion.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Paul Waldman.

Kris Jenner 'went ballistic' over topless Kim Kardashian in Kanye West's ...

AF/Star Max/FilmMagic

Kris Jenner reportedly didn't approve of her daughter's toless antics in the 'Bound 2' video.

Kanye West's 'Bound 2' video, which features the rapper riding on a motorcycle while fiancé Kim Kardashian straddles him topless, was divisive even within the Kardashian family.

Family matriarch Kris Jenner was not pleased by her daughter's latest nude antics, according to a report in Heat magazine.


After a private screening of the music video, a source told the magazine, 'Kris went ballistic, telling her daughter than the 2007 leaked sex tape that Kim made with her ex-boyfriend Ray J, because that was meant to stay private while this was meant to go public.'

'She started crying, saying how ashamed she was to see her daughter being 'forced into something so degrading,'' the source continued. 'She's saying that Kim's destroyed all her credibility.'


Sisters Khloe and Kourtney were reportedly also miffed by the racy video.

'Kourtney told her she thought the video was disgusting and disrespectful, to the family and all their relatives, but also questioned why Kim did it,' the insider said. 'They are considering an intervention.'


By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 20:32 EST, 29 November 2013 | UPDATED: 23:56 EST, 29 November 2013

She may be a new mother, but Kim Kardashian is still finding time for her favourite things - fashion and shopping.

The reality TV star, 33, left baby five-month-old North behind - presumably with her nanny - to hit the sales in Miami with her fiance Kanye West on Friday.

The couple were seen browsing goodies at The Webster boutique, with Kim particularly enthralled by a case of watches.

The store sells timepieces ranging from plastic creations which cost a reasonable $75 to more extravagant watches which cost upwards of several hundred dollars.

Kanye meanwhile spent a while browsing the sweaters, which according to the store's website can cost thousands of dollars depending on the particular item.

While many parents battle fatigue in the early months of welcoming their first child, Kim looked remarkably well-rested and impeccably primped and preened in an edgy frock and killer heels.

Her pristine appearance was probably hours in the making, with her hair, make-up, manicure and outfit all styled to perfection.

Kanye also looked bright-eyed, and at one point even managed to crack a smile while whispering sweet nothings to his girl.

The couple spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Florida, skipping the Kardashian and Jenner's big family gathering in L.A.

And as several members of her family tweeted snapshots of their feast, Kim gave a shout out to her best friends over Instagram.

'Being away from home for the holidays is hard but I'm so thankful for family & friends like this!' she wrote alongside a group shot of her Thanksgiving friends. 'I love you guys.

Kim was unsurprisingly at the centre of the photograph sporting a grey vest top and trousers and black leather jacket, while her rapper fiancé coordinated with her perfectly in a casual grey hoodie and his favourite leather trousers.

They were joined by Kim's friends Jonathan Cheban, Larsa and Scottie Pippen and Amber and Loren Riddinger among others.

Kim was in Miami to support fiancé Kanye, 36, who is performing a gig on Friday as part of his Yeezus tour.

She seemed to be pleased at her Florida surroundings the following day though, posting an Instagram picture of a stunning beach shot from what appeared to be her hotel room.

Kim and Kanye were spotted chatting to friend on Thursday outside their abode in the blinding Florida sunshine, dressed in matching grey tops, with their Rolls-Royce parked in front.

The first-time mother showed off her enviably flat stomach in a tight singlet, while her famous curves were accentuated in her skin-tight matching grey jeans, which she teamed with black strappy stilettos.

Kim's bestie Cheban, joined the new parents, along with daughter North, for a sumptuous Thanksgiving feast later that afternoon.

The publicist couldn't resist sharing a photo of his pal's efforts in the kitchen, posting an image to his social media accounts that featured a plate full of mac and cheese, stuffing, crackling, a turkey leg and sweet potato mash.

'Who knew @KimKardashian could really throw down in the kitchen! Happy Thanksgiving #MiamiTG,' he captioned the pic.

Meanwhile, the reality TV star shared a special holidays-themed blog post with her fans on Thanksgiving morning, paying tribute to her fiancé and daughter as well as reminiscing of holidays past with her late father, Robert Kardashian.

She wrote on her website: 'Thanksgiving was the holiday that I always spent with my dad skiing every year in Vail, Colorado since I was two years old to 22. This time of year always brings back such amazing memories. I am thankful I had them.

'I am so thankful for my family being close and always so supportive. I am extra thankful this year for my baby girl and am so happy I get to spend this Thanksgiving as a family with my daughter and fiancé.

'I wish you all a good healthy happy thanksgiving from our family to yours... Don't eat too much.'

Robert, who was once a lawyer for OJ Simpson, died in 2003 after battling cancer.

Kanye West 'laughed so hard' at James Franco and Seth Rogen's 'Bound 2' parody

Kim Kardashian says the rapper was a fan of the shot-for-shot replica of the ostentatious video

Kanye West reportedly 'loved' the parody video of his 'Bound 2' track, made by actors James Franco and Seth Rogen.

West's fiancee Kim Kardashian tweeted her partner's reaction to the shot-for-shot video, writing to Rogen: 'Kanye says what's up! He loves u guys! He laughed so hard at this'. She also wrote to Rogen saying: 'You nailed it!!! Sooo funny!'. Scroll down to watch the video.

Rogen responded: 'that's so awesome!! Ha!! Tell him what's up back. So psyched you guys like it!' The deadpan version of the promo sees Franco playing West and Rogen taking on the role of a topless Kardashian. Like the original, the film features horses, waterfalls and eagles and sees Rogen writhing around naked, kissing Franco on a motorbike that is travelling through Utah's Monument Valley via a green screen effect. The parody, called 'Bound 3,' was shot during downtime on the Freaks and Geeks pair's new movie, The Interview.

Kanye West recently revealed that he is already working on his next solo album and hopes to release it in Summer 2014. The rapper, who released his latest album 'Yeezus' earlier this year, divulged the information during an interview with US radio station Power 99.

Talking to his hosts about the follow-up album to 'Yeezus', West said: 'I haven't named my next album, but I have started on it. I always write down philosophies all the time, so I'll just have some thoughts and every time I think of it I write, and I'm just collecting beats, I'm just constantly working. I'd like to put out more product, I'd like have another album out by next summer.'

Russell Simmons Praises Kanye West, Kanye West Responds

Russell Simmons praises Kanye West's creativity, Kanye West responds.

Kanye West is always a focal point for controversy, and because he's been giving interview after interview voicing his opinions loudly, the controversy is swirling. We saw Ye get into with The Breakfast Club about his high fashion ambitions, and we saw him get into even more with Sway In The Morning. Now Russell Simmons, the co-founder of Def Jam, has come to the defense of Kanye, and praises the rapper.

Simmons took to Global Grind to write about Ye's geniousity, and explains what Kanye does not seem to be able to explain so eloquently in words himself when he does his interviews.

The music industry mogul wrote, 'I recently sat down with Ye in New York and got the chance to hear about his hopes and ambitions, his frustrations and contradictions, his happiness and his anger. But through it all, what I felt from Kanye was an artist who desperately wants to leave his imprint in the history books. What's often times misunderstood about Kanye is that people believe he wants all of this for himself, in fact, quite the opposite, he wants all of this for the rest of us. He wants to destroy the glass ceiling with 808′s and crack one day WE have the power to see all of the lights. Certainly he wants a piece for himself...everybody would, but at his core, at the bottom of his heart, lies an inner-truth that has led to an external battle to make this world a bit easier for those who have been dealt a hand of struggle, by showing them a glimmer of hope through his art.'

He concluded in his op-ed that he believes in what Mr. West is doing. 'We will no longer be lost in the world and we will survive in this America. I believe these truths to be self-evident. That is what Kanye West told me on a cold morning in New York City just seven days ago. It is his genius, his tenacity, his creativity, his relentlessness and his madness, that will allow us all to one day have the ability to touch the sky,' Simmons wrote.

Kanye caught wind of Russell's praise, and thanked him on Twitter.

Thank you Russel for these kind insightful words, I appreciate your mentorship.

- Kanye West (@kanyewest) November 27, 2013

You inspire us all to be greater and have broken the original doors down that gave us the platform:

- Kanye West (@kanyewest) November 27, 2013

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Go Shopping on Black Friday in Miami—See ...


Even celebrities can't resist a good Black Friday sale!

Kim Kardashian and indulged in a little retail therapy on Friday, hitting up The Webster boutiques in Miami. The E! star and her beau were photographed walking hand-in-hand, with Kim rocking a chic white mini-dress and heels, while Kanye opted for a more casual look in a white t-shirt and leather pants.

On Thanksgiving day, the duo was snapped stepping out in the city with friends as they celebrated the holiday in Miami at a friend's home with a festive meal. Later, the couple headed to a local movie theater with about 15 friends.

PHOTO: Kimye steps out with friends on Thanksgiving

The group went to a showing of The Best Man Holiday and a moviegoer tells E! News, 'They practically had the whole thing to themselves. Everyone was in a great mood. It seemed like a really fun crowd.'

Kim and the gang are set to cheer Kanye on at his show tonight at the American Airlines Arena.

While Kim and Kanye spent the holiday in Miami, her mother Kris Jenner posted a photo of the Kardashian-Jenner family's dinner menu. 'Happy Thanksgiving!!! So thankful and grateful for friends and family....#Blessed,' the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star wrote.

And though Kim tweeted that 'being away from home for the holidays is hard,' she posted a photo of her group of friends (including Kanye), saying, 'I'm so thankful for family & friends like this!'

NEWS: Check out the Kardashian-Jenner family's Thanksgiving dinner menu!


On Thanksgiving morning, Kim took to her website to express her love for her beau and their daughter North West.

'I am so thankful for my family being close and always so supportive,' she wrote. 'I am extra thankful this year for my baby girl and am so happy I get to spend this Thanksgiving as a family with my daughter and fiancé.'

Don't forget to watch the Kardashian Christmas Special, PHOTOS: Keeping up with Kimye Keeping Up With the Kardashians A Very Merry Christmas on Sunday at 8:30 p.m., only on E!

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Go Shopping on Black Friday in Miami—See ...


Even celebrities can't resist a good Black Friday sale!

Kim Kardashian and indulged in a little retail therapy on Friday, hitting up The Webster boutiques in Miami. The E! star and her beau were photographed walking hand-in-hand, with Kim rocking a chic white mini-dress and heels, while Kanye opted for a more casual look in a white t-shirt and leather pants.

On Thanksgiving day, the duo was snapped stepping out in the city with friends as they celebrated the holiday in Miami at a friend's home with a festive meal. Later, the couple headed to a local movie theater with about 15 friends.

PHOTO: Kimye steps out with friends on Thanksgiving

The group went to a showing of The Best Man Holiday and a moviegoer tells E! News, 'They practically had the whole thing to themselves. Everyone was in a great mood. It seemed like a really fun crowd.'

Kim and the gang are set to cheer Kanye on at his show tonight at the American Airlines Arena.

While Kim and Kanye spent the holiday in Miami, her mother Kris Jenner posted a photo of the Kardashian-Jenner family's dinner menu. 'Happy Thanksgiving!!! So thankful and grateful for friends and family....#Blessed,' the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star wrote.

And though Kim tweeted that 'being away from home for the holidays is hard,' she posted a photo of her group of friends (including Kanye), saying, 'I'm so thankful for family & friends like this!'

NEWS: Check out the Kardashian-Jenner family's Thanksgiving dinner menu!


On Thanksgiving morning, Kim took to her website to express her love for her beau and their daughter North West.

'I am so thankful for my family being close and always so supportive,' she wrote. 'I am extra thankful this year for my baby girl and am so happy I get to spend this Thanksgiving as a family with my daughter and fiancé.'

Don't forget to watch the Kardashian Christmas Special, PHOTOS: Keeping up with Kimye Keeping Up With the Kardashians A Very Merry Christmas on Sunday at 8:30 p.m., only on E!

Kim Kardashian Celebrates Thanksgiving With Kanye West and Friends in ...

Love the ones you're with! Kim Kardashian's seat at her famous family's Thanksgiving dinner was empty this year, but the reality star found a home away from home with friends and fiance in Miami, Fla., on Thursday, Nov. 26.

'Being away from home for the holidays is hard but I'm so thankful for family & friends like this!' the 33-year-old stunner wrote on Instagram, tagging pals Scottie Pippen, Larsa Pippen, Jonathan Cheban, Amber Ridinger, and Loren Ridinger. 'I love you guys!'

PHOTOS: Kimye's sweetest moments

Kardashian (who is on West's Yeezus tour with their 5-month-old daughter, North) also expressed gratitude for her loved ones back in L.A., as well as for her late father, Robert Kardashian, who died of esophageal cancer in 2003. 'This time of year always brings back such amazing memories,' she wrote in a special post on Nov. 28, recalling her annual ski trips with her dad. 'I am thankful I had them. I am so thankful for my family being close and always so supportive.'

PHOTOS: Kim's post-baby style

The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star went on to acknowledge West and little Nori. 'I am extra thankful this year for my baby girl and am so happy I get to spend this Thanksgiving as a family with my daughter and fiance,' she wrote. 'I wish you all a good healthy happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours...Don't eat too much.'

Easier said than done at the Kardashian-Jenner house this year. As momager Kris Jenner revealed on Instagram, she and her famous brood (minus Kim) had quite a feast planned for the holiday.

PHOTOS: Kim's childhood album

Among the many dishes on the menu at Jenner's Calabasas, Calif., home? Roasted turkey, honey-baked ham, brioche bread stuffing, sweet potato balls, green bean casserole, Khloe's macaroni and cheese, and cranberry sauce. And that's to say nothing of the seven desserts, which included salted caramel bread pudding, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and coffee crunch cake.

Nick Cannon Blasts Kanye West: 'Real Geniuses Don't Have to Tell Everyone'

(Photo: Facebook/The Ellen DeGeneres Show)

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Kanye West recently garnered mixed reactions after openly branding himself a 'creative genius' in a number of interviews.

During an appearance on Philadelphia radio station Hot 107.9 on Monday, the 'Bound 2' rapper cockily hailed himself a 'creative genius' while speaking with co-hosts Shamara and Laiya. West, who has been doing media rounds to promote his 'Yeezus' album and tour, has been making headlines for his bizarre rants.

'People get mad at me saying that I am a creative genius, but it's just obvious. It's, like, factual,' West told Hot 107.9.

'I would write creative genius when I go through the airport ... I would put that on customs [forms], where you put what your title is, except for two reasons: it takes too long to write and sometimes I spell the word genius wrong,' he continued.

While haters have had a field day ridiculing West's egotistical rants, fans are urging critics to look beyond the rapper's controversial comments.

'America's Got Talent' host Nick Cannon and hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons are among many who have weighed in on West's behavior.

Cannon, who describes himself as a 'friend' and 'fan' of West's, was slightly critical of the rapper, according to

'I love @KanyeWest like a brother & been one of his biggest fans & friends since day 1, but Genius is eternal patience,' Cannon tweeted on Thanksgiving. '@KanyeWest Real geniuses don't have to tell everyone that they are a genius.'

Cannon's candid tweets garnered an overwhelmingly positive response, but West, who has a history of lashing out at critics, remained uncharacteristically silent.

Just one day prior the rapper did speak out on Twitter to thank Simmons, who openly defended him in an open letter.

West has been widely criticized for his recent rants, which include him complaining about not being accepted into the high fashion world. He has also compared his fiancee Kim Kardashian to Marilyn Monroe and even declared their daughter North as being equally as 'royal' as Prince George.

'I recently sat down with [Kanye] in New York and got the chance to hear about his hopes and ambitions, his frustrations and contradictions, his happiness and his anger. But through it all, what I felt from Kanye was an artist who desperately wants to leave his imprint in the history books,' Simmons wrote in an open letter defending West.

'It is his generation that has this power. He knows it. He feels it. He tastes it. And he so badly wants it like mad,' he continued before later adding 'It is his genius, his tenacity, his creativity, his relentlessness and his madness, that will allow us all to one day have the ability to touch the sky.'

West later thanked the entrepreneur for coming to his defense.

'Thank you Russel for these kind insightful words, I appreciate your mentorship,' West tweeted.

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