Kanye West's 12 Best Tangents on 'Kimmel'

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Kanye West's 12 Best Tangents on 'Kimmel'

Oprah and Lance Armstrong have nothing on the apology-question-rant game that played out on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night. Jimmy Kimmel was super apologetic for poking fun at a recent BBC interview Kanye West did, and Kanye reveled in reminding the ABC-watching universe of his own creative genius, artistic reach, love of Malcom Gladwell and ability to talk for a really long time without breathing. But what a window into the wild mind of Kanye - check out 12 of his most amazing tangents, along with clips of the full interview:

Kanye West's 10 Best Quotes on Kris Jenner's Talk Show

Celebrities Are People, Too'People feel like it's OK to treat celebrities like zoo animals and or act like what they are saying isn't that serious and their life isn't that serious.'

Gucci Slippers: Totally Worth It'I spent two of my checks in telemarketing when I was 18 years old on my first pair of Gucci slippers and this was before there was H&M and Zara. You couldn't just find cool stuff when I you were growing up, and for me, I care about cool stuff.'

Kanye Is Obviously a Creative Genius'I'm totally weird, and I'm totally honest, and I'm totally inappropriate sometimes. And the thing is, for me to say I wasn't a genius, I would just be lying to you and to myself.'

Real Talk From Quincy Jones 'I talked to Quincy Jones at John Legend's wedding, and you know, you do music, you can do anything; once you learn how to produce, you are at that point a producer.'

Why Kanye Is Like Muhammed Ali 'My grandfather loved Ali until he died and my grandmother hated Ali until she passed. So you're going to love me or you're going to hate me, but I'm going to be me.'

Why Kim Kardashian Deserves a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 'They said something about they not going to put my girl on the Walk of Fame because she's a reality star. It's like people are so, so dated, and not modern. There's no way Kim Kardashian shouldn't have a star on the Walk of Fame.'

Leather Jogging Pants: Of Course They Were Kanye's Idea 'There's people who made whole careers off of creating leather jogging pants, it became like a phenomenon over the past three years . . . I would sit with Hedi Slimane who is now the head designer of St. Laurent and he'd say, 'Stop giving these big brands your ideas.''

Who's More Fashionable Than Kanye?'When I'm in Paris, and I'm sitting in Fashion Week for nine years, and South Park makes fun of our outfits, and people don't understand why we're there and I'm getting called names, stuff you can't even say on like TV, and I still can't break that wall down . . . who do you know that's known more for clothes than me?'

Forget Racism: Snobbery Is the New Battle'It's not about racism anymore, it's classism. Paula Deen, she was old school. . . . This classism is what they do to try say 'Well, you're a rapper,' or, 'Your girl is on a reality show. So you're not up here with us, we're old money.' . . . I'm not into all that snobbery.'

Don't Even Try to Bully Kanye 'This is the reason why I did this. 'Cause creatives have gotten beat up my entire life. And there's moments where I stood up to drug dealers in Chicago and said, 'You can't have my publishing. Come and kill me. Do whatever you're going to do. But you're not going to bully me, you're not going to stop me, because my mother made me believe in myself.''

Hero Worship 'Taste, culture, art, just the quality of life, this is what I'm here to do. So when I compare myself to Steve Jobs, or Walt Disney, Howard Hughes, David Stern, Michelangelo, da Vinci, Jesus or whatever, I'm saying these are my heroes. These are people that I look up to. This is the type of impact I want to make on the earth.'

Paparazzi 'The way paparazzi talk to me and my family is disrespectful, you know what I'm saying? We bring something of joy to the world. When people hear my music, they have a good time. And I should be respected as such when I walk down the street. Don't ask me a question about something you saw in the tabloids, don't try to antagonize me. 'Cause you know what? It's not safe for you in this zoo. Never think that I'm not from Chicago for one second. . . . And I understand paparazzi, I understand you've got to get your money, it's hard out here, blah blah blah, but let's have respect for each other. You do help me get money, paparazzi, you know what I'm saying? You show people how fresh my outfit is, and that helps me influence people.'

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