Fan Petitions Beyoncé To Skip Kim Kardashian's Wedding

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Fan Petitions Beyoncé To Skip Kim Kardashian's Wedding

Posted by Annika Harris on Nov 7, 2013 |

A petition calling for Beyoncé to skip Kim Kardashian's wedding to Kanye West began circulating this week.

Petition author John Barry of Los Angeles doesn't mince words in explaining why he thinks Beyoncé shouldn't attend the wedding:

'As you all know by now Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have sadly been in the news for their 'engagement.' Kim Kardashian and her disgusting family are known for their rise to fame for doing absolutely nothing. Aside from being a famous whore Kim has decided to get knocked up by notorious jackass Kanye West and now are planning to get married. Now we must do all in our power to stop Beyonce from attending that god forsaken wedding, since her husband Jay Z is BFF's with Kanye he problably wants both of them to go. Beyonce should not be forced to go and sit through that torture while surrounded by the Kardashian pigs. Beyonce do not go to that wedding you dont have to do it to please that whore and her jackass fiance. Do us a favor Bey and rain check that train wreck of wedding.'

Back when Kanye and Kim began dating, the word on the street was that Bey wanted none of their mess. She reportedly refused to speak with the cash cow Kardashian and made it clear that she wouldn't appear in any of the chick's Instagram pics (C'mon, you know she tries to make herself relevant to real celebs). But Jay Z and Kanye are good friends and I don't see Jay bailing out on the nuptials. There also doesn't seem to be any polite way for Beyoncé to get out of going (although Barry does have some suggestions). The other possibility would be to intentionally upstage bride Kim, as we know Bey could do that even without her wig on. I envision a rousing rendition of 'Irreplaceable' during the reception and a good ol' southern 'bless Kim's heart' after.

The petition already has 181 signatures of the 200 maximum (sorry, Barry, it's going to take more than 200 signers, methinks). Would you sign the petition for Beyonce to skip Kim Kardashian's wedding? Do you think Bey should show her support regardless of her perceived persona feelings?

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